20: From Product Director to Startup CEO with Coho’s Mindaugas Petrutis

What’s a CEO without a playbook to follow, and how do they communicate their plan with their team?
Mindaugas Petrutis, who was suddenly thrust into the CEO role at Coho, leads with a transparency and honesty which he was never able to exhibit in his previous roles.
Sharing the areas of focus that any new CEO should prioritise, Mindaugas details his bold and brilliant leadership style in this week’s episode of Leaders Unscripted.
This Episode Covers:
- How Mindaugas follows his instincts as a CEO
- People’s re-evaluation of their relationship with work
- The role of honesty and transparency in leadership
- Building resilience, and how it repays you in the long run
Episode Highlights:
“Everything lives in my head, there's these nodes that are just floating around in there that just start connecting. I'll often make decisions that are so obvious and clear to me that I say to somebody else, and they're looking at me going ‘Dude, you’re out of your mind’.” - 5:45 - Mindaugas Petrutis
“My most urgent priority was to try and figure out how to communicate what was happening to the people in our communities, and those who were trying to join.” - 16:20 - Mindaugas Petrutis
“My challenge with being honest and transparent and saying what I think in other workplaces was always that the risk was too great, because I had too much riding on that salary that I was taking. So I would just stay quiet, or not act as my true self.” - 26:45 - Mindaugas Petrutis
“I honestly have had a weird life. I've been in lots of weird, crazy situations, right? I've dug myself out of them, and that builds resilience.” - 34:00 - Mindaugas Petrutis
Links & References:
Constellary: https://www.constellaryhq.com/
Suzan Bond: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzanbond/
Mindaugas Petrutis: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mindaugaspetrutis/